Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Black Mirror - This Thursday

Brittany's Pick!

This Thursday, 4/11 at the Havican Hizzle @ 6:30 we will be watching two episodes of the British TV mini series "Black Mirror." As you all know, I like to keep the details to a minimum for maximum viewing surprise, so don't go researching the series! (I'm talking to you Bjorn!) Besides, I'll know if there has been any dabbling because I have put trackers on all of your electronic devices and have bugged your houses. I have learned all of this simply by watching BM. Violators to my rules will be punished. Though some of you are sick (Bjorn) and might like this.

Per Wikipedia, basically, because I can't write:
"Each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they're all about the way we live now – and the way we might be living in 10 minutes' time if we're clumsy." It is comparable to the Twilight Zone. You will leave disturbed (you guys know how I love disturbing things!) and feeling hatred towards your electronic devices, society and the internet as a whole. Enjoy!

Come at 6:30 so we can gab and eat pizza before hand.

Oh! And maybe a little bit of DC afterwards.


  1. Team Garry can't make it (poop), We have to go out of town to a work (blech) retreat (lame) for my firm Thursday through Sunday (ugggghhhhh). I have to play golf (whhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!). Sorry to miss it, seems neat!

  2. I have kept my research to a minimum but if you keep up the threats of punishment then I will probably have to watch the whole series before tonight!!!

  3. Oh, man! I LOVE different realities!!! I love leaving disturbed!!! I DO HATE DEVICES!!!!!! I blame Ben for having to miss this obviously freaking cool series. If I come back brainwashed, you can blame his employer. Four days with work people = longer than is really necessary.

  4. I'll be there. Looking forward to stoking my hatred of electronic devices, society, and the internet. Hopefully my smart phone (which I used to compose this) won't revolt against me after I just talked shit about it...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm in! And as a veteran of too many law firm retreats to count, I'll just say to Ben and Caroline, I'm sorry you are having to miss some trill people, flicks, pizza and beer for that.
