Saturday, January 5, 2013

Snoop Bloggy Blogg // Showing Order

Hey everyone, come here and check out our new blog! Brittany (hey girl!) had the idea to start a blog so that we can coordinate who is showing what, where and when. I'll give you guys the login and password info so you can post straight to the blog and tell everybody what they're going to see (and maybe tell them a little bit about it too, or write some abstract poetry about your feelings, whatever...). Leave a comment on the showing/movie post to let everyone know if you can make it.

I'm not sure of the "real" order of movie night and I think it might even be lost and known only to our ancient ancestors when they had cave-painting night. Bravely, I've taken the liberty to make up a new order instead that I think roughly matches what we've done so far and where we left off. If you feel like you are to far back on the list (or too far forward), have yourselves a good cry and then let me know and we'll figure something out. The Order is:

  • Ben
  • Bjorn
  • Rory
  • Springer
  • Austin
  • Caroline
  • Brittany

Urban Dictionary defines "trill" as "[a]n adjective used in hip-hop culture to describe someone who is considered to be well respected, coming from a combination of the words 'true' and 'real'." Movie Night is the truest and realest thing any of us will ever experience in our whole lives. As such, I felt the title was appropriate.

Keep it real,


  1. Hey y'all, I just had a good, long, hard cry and wanted to let you know that I showed at the last movie night, so I think I should be put at the end. I stole Bjorn's movie Holy Motors.

    1. Wipe those tears, girl -- the list is updated above based on your comment. Thanks! :)
