Monday, June 22, 2015

June 24, 2015 // Kiss Kiss Bang Bang //Springer

Date: June 24, 2015
Time: 7:30
Where: Casa de Springer
What's Provided: pizza, places to sit, a roof, A/C, bathroom, napkins, plates, a movie selection, FREE PARKING!!!
What You Should Bring: beer, your charming personality, Bjorn's laptop and DC DVDs
Dress Code: east side casual  (pants optional)

The Movie Selection: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) (described as a murder-comedy)

It's been on my list for awhile and I like Val Kilmer and Robert Downey, Jr. It's pretty short, so we'll have plenty of time for a DC!  And I'll be caught up and ready to see what hijinx the gang in Capeside has been up to.

See you Wednesday.

Monday, June 8, 2015

June 10, 2015 // John Wick // Ben

So normally I start off all my movie posts (which are now and will forever be either over the top action movies or weird Japanese over the top action movies) with some description of how awesome all the action will be and end them with apologies to Bjorn.  Unfortunately, I can't do either here.

First, I can't tell you how awesome all the action in John Wick will be because I haven't seen it yet.  I have only heard about how it is a true return to form for the bullets-in-foreheads classic action genre, and how Keanu really nails the only part he knows how to play (sad/confused killer-of-men).  Second, I can't apologize to Bjorn because now we all know that BJORN SAW AND LIKED MAD MAX AN ACTION MOVIE WITH NO REDEEMING CULTURAL OR ARTISTIC VALUE.  So Bjorn will just have to watch and enjoy action movies without being apologized too like the rest of us.

  • This Wednesday (NOT Thursday)
  • House Garry
  • 7:30
  • Pizza
