Saturday, February 21, 2015

March 5, 2015 // R-100 // Ben

The tag line this film is: "A mild-mannered family man with a secret taste for S&M finds himself pursued by a gang of ruthless dominatrices"

So...yeah.  Like I'm not going to pick that.

Afterward, maybe a gang of ruthless dominatrices will pursue Dawson.  Although, I think if we're being honest with ourselves, that seems much more like a situation Pacy would find himself in (especially now that Andy's gone).

House Garry @ 7:30. Pizza provided.
BYOW&C (bring your own whips and chains).

Yours in trillness,


  1. YASSSSS I have been meaning to watch this ever since i saw the trailer. Chain me up and count me in!

  2. I have been wondering for a while if Ben would ever show his own biopic. See y'all Thursday. We're all wearing leather right?

  3. There are so many great "-ing" words. Let the watch-ing begin!
