Monday, July 7, 2014

July 9, 2014 / The Matador / Springer

Wednesday, July 9, 2014
7:00 pm (we won't start without you, Caroline, and we'll miss you, Rory)
Springer's Apartment (for the last time)

There will be pizza.  There will be relatively comfy seating.  There will be A/C.  There will be assassinations. There will be bullfights (no animals were harmed in the drafting of this blog post).  There will be an existential crisis. There will be laughs.  There will be explosions.   There will be Pierce Brosnan drinking in his underwear. According to the reviews, there will be one liners and/or sight gags to offend just about every demographic.  There will be beer (if you bring it).  There will be random boxes scattered about.  There will be packing paper if you want to pack dishes while you watch the movie.  Basically, everything you could hope for on a Wednesday.


  1. but will there be dawson's creek?

  2. so excited for the sendoff. going to sing that 'final countdown' song a bunch.

  3. This is all so exciting!!! Packing paper confetti!!! See ya tonight -
