Monday, July 22, 2013

July 25, 2013 // District 13 // Ben

The French are known for many things: wine, stinky cheese, and stinkier women...but they are not often known for their trillness, nor their action movies. All that will change this Thursday, when we watch District 13 (French title Banlieue 13) the 2004 French parkour/action movie that combines running with shooting and jumping (a combination for the ages). Join me for pizza at 7:00pm at House Garry to feel sophisticated while you watch dudes kicking other dudes in the face because they are doing their kicking while speaking French.

"Je viens de vous un coup de pied dans le visage, vous grenouille puant!"



  1. Leave a few windows open for me and Brittany; we're going to leap across the roofs of Montrose all the way to House Garry, and I'll be goddamned if I'm walking in through the front door.

  2. porter sur des chiennes! (That is what came up when I typed " bring it on bitches" on google translate) I'll be there!

  3. Oui. I hope there are subtitles because I've just revealed all the French I know.

  4. I'm expecting to feel at least equally sophisticated, if not more sophisticated, compared to when I watched the Indonesian film The Raid: Redemption.
