Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Friday, August 2 // Santa Sangre // Bjorn

My pick for this week is Santa Sangre by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Jodorowsky is the legendary director of such films as "The Holy Mountain" and "El Topo", much admired by John Lennon, and credited with being the father of the midnight movie. His 1989 production, Santa Sangre, which translates to "Holy Blood", is quite possibly the greatest horror film you've never seen.

Set in the circuses and cabarets of Mexico City, Santa Sangre features a knife-thrower, a dwarf, a sacred pool of blood, a tattooed lady, a deaf-mute mime, a dying elephant, and a condemned church about to be bulldozed. And that's just the first half.

Most critics have described this movie as surrealistic, but other terms that have been used are "Felliniesque", "Bunuelian", "perverse" and "sadomasochistic".

Santa Sangre is one of those movies that either makes you run from the room screaming, or instantly google the director and add every one of his movies to your queue. I know which one I did.

Friday August 2, Havican House, 6:30pm. BE THERE.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 25, 2013 // District 13 // Ben

The French are known for many things: wine, stinky cheese, and stinkier women...but they are not often known for their trillness, nor their action movies. All that will change this Thursday, when we watch District 13 (French title Banlieue 13) the 2004 French parkour/action movie that combines running with shooting and jumping (a combination for the ages). Join me for pizza at 7:00pm at House Garry to feel sophisticated while you watch dudes kicking other dudes in the face because they are doing their kicking while speaking French.

"Je viens de vous un coup de pied dans le visage, vous grenouille puant!"


Monday, July 15, 2013


Y'all all gonna be leaving our house wanting to purchase hot pink ski masks, guns and upper and lower gold grills; while the whole time screaming, "Look at all my SHIIIIIIIIIIT."

The Havican House

Be there!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How I feel right now (x2)


Bad news. This week is like a freaking crusty cluster-butt. And I know Austin's probably still waiting on his video for showing, so I'm taking full freakin' credit for pushing movie night (again).

But, I wanna get my (our) movie life back. I mean it this time. No, no. Don't click off the page. Hear me out.

How about next week on Wednesday?

That would put us here:
Wednesday, July 10. 7pm. House Garry.

As usual, there will be pizza, beer, group hugging and twerk trains.

So, please join me in watching Safety Not Guaranteed.
Some tidbits from the Wikipedia page:

Safety Not Guaranteed is a 2012 American comedy film inspired by a 1997 Backwoods Home Magazine classified ad — itself written as a joke filler by Backwoods employee John Silveira — by a person asking for someone to accompany him in time travel. It was screened at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival where it won the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award.

Plot basics: Darius Britt is a disillusioned college graduate who lives at home with her widower father and interns at Seattle Magazine. One of the magazine's writers, Jeff Schwensen, proposes to investigate a newspaper classified ad that reads:
Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 91 Ocean View, WA 99393. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.
Wednesday, July 10. 7pm. House Garry. Bring beer. 
