Monday, March 18, 2013

Movie Night Day Change

Ok, I know that we have just sort of settled on Wednesday nights, but in looking back over my work schedule, I usually am off on Fridays and work super early on Thursdays. Can I make this all about me (AND make Thursdays my idea and not Bjorn's) and propose a last and final request to see if Thursday nights would work instead?

If you all hate me and don't want me to have fun at movie night, then I understand and we can stick to Wednesdays. 

Please post your thoughts.



  1. Thursdays are fine with me, but if we switch to Thursday would that be this Thursday or next week?

  2. I can do Thursdays! How about next Thursday, then? The 28th?

  3. I am cool with everything all the time forever.

  4. Let's start back on the 28th then. Does Rory know?
